monkey off my back

One guy's experiences as he quits drinking


I finally told people

So I did it. I finally told my boyfriend and my best friend. It’s weird but good to be out in the open.

The last few months have been pretty full on. My partner and I had our 20th anniversary and also came very close to breaking up (not related to drinking). My Dad was also diagnosed with a terminal cancer… So to deal with all the drama I started drinking again (because that settles things down, yeah?).

It’s been about 7 weeks of drinking each night, mostly in secret. My relationship issues have settled and we feel stronger than before. Our communication, honesty and openness was really tested and strengthened. So this time when I was ready to stop drinking I did something different…

I finally told two of the people that I’m closest to and asked for support.

It’s been 5 days since I drank. The withdrawal has been minimal this time. I’m feeling good and I can’t really slip up because now I have some people keeping me accountable.

I’m sure this is the honeymoon phase and we’ll have to process some relationship issues in the future (honesty, secretive behaviour, feeling unaware etc). But for now things are good.